Monday, 28 July 2014

Best Loadrunner Training Institute In Chennai

Loadrunner is very popular automation testing product from Hewlett-Packard. This advanced testing tool is used for validating behavior and performance of a software application, by creating actual load. This is a unique testing tool which can create situation with hundreds or thousands of virtual users. It can impose define, consistent and maximum load on the particular system and stress it from end to end. Loadrunner is developed for precisely predicting actual performance and behavior of the application, thus increasing confidence in flexibility and reliability of new application before its actually deployed. Are you looking for enhanced career opportunity in software development industry? Then, Loadrunner training in Chennai is excellent option to make your dream come true.

Software testing assists to identify errors and bottle issues that affect the overall performance, execution process and behavior of a software application. These factors are used to validate quality of software product. Loadrunner is one of the trusted software testing products that meet the lack of performance issues and help developers to validate the quality of software application. This product helps to analyze various factors of the performance as number of hit supported by creating multiple users at single time. It is most important tools that feature how the results get interpreted. The graphs can be tailored based on your preference. It gives clear idea how the system is responding as the load gets increased instantly.

Loadrunner is used to create maximum lead using virtual user generator. This feature is used to write script which can be used later on. It allows user to record single or multiple protocol script. Once, these scripts prepared to have hard coded data values based on the current scenario. In order to provide maximum flexibility, the parameters are used. The controller is used to create real time scenario using the scripts with virtual user generator. Once the scripts have been prepared, they can be employed in the controller. The script is loaded to create the real time scenarios.

Graphs generated using the Loadrunner is to analyze graphs and timelines data obtained once controller creates the script. On the scripts run using the controller, the result of the load testing will be saved and processed in analyzer. This validation process is used to resolve performance, behavior and scalability related issues. Thus, the testing procedure is used to validate system capacity to function under heavy load. Thus, it results in minimize software and hardware tools. Proving faulty and less performing system will affect your client’s business productivity. It can also ruin your reputation among the customer.

To avoid all these issues, software development firms are investing significant amount of time and money to test their product performance, functionality and credibility before deployment.  Software testing professionals is the part of software development process. It increased the demand of experienced skilled software testing professionals in IT Industry. Recruiters are ready to pay huge salary to the right candidate. You can take training on Loadrunner to learn this advanced concept in detail and to implement test modules. FITA is best Loadrunner training institute in Chennai offering intensive training through industrial experts.


  1. Nice information about the load testing!!! I prefer Loadrunner automation testing tool to validate the performance of software application/system under actual load.
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